Solving the Mysterious MUI X Localization Context Error: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Solving the Mysterious MUI X Localization Context Error: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of encountering the infamous MUI X Localization Context Error when using the MUI Date Picker from a custom library? You’re not alone! This error has been plaguing developers for far too long, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to conquer this beast and emerge victorious.

What is the MUI X Localization Context Error?

The MUI X Localization Context Error is a pesky issue that occurs when you try to use the MUI Date Picker from a custom library. It usually manifests itself with an error message that says something like:

Error: MUI X: TheLocalization context is not provided. 
Make sure to wrap your application with LocalizationProvider.

This error is often caused by a mismatch between the localization context of your custom library and the application that’s consuming it.

Why Does this Error Happen?

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand why this error happens in the first place. There are a few reasons why you might encounter the MUI X Localization Context Error:

  • Inconsistent Localization Contexts: When your custom library and the application that’s consuming it have different localization contexts, it can cause the error.
  • Missing LocalizationProvider: Failing to wrap your application with the LocalizationProvider component can lead to this error.
  • Incorrect Importing of MUI Components: Importing MUI components incorrectly can disrupt the localization context, resulting in the error.

Solving the MUI X Localization Context Error

Now that we’ve covered the why, let’s get to the how! Follow these steps to solve the MUI X Localization Context Error:

Step 1: Wrap Your Application with LocalizationProvider

The first step is to ensure that you’ve wrapped your application with the LocalizationProvider component. This component provides the localization context to your application.

import { LocalizationProvider } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/LocalizationProvider';

const App = () => {
  return (
    <LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDateFns}>
      <AppContents />

By wrapping your application with the LocalizationProvider, you’re providing a unified localization context for your entire application.

Step 2: Use the Correct Import Statement for MUI Components

Make sure you’re importing MUI components correctly. Instead of importing individual components, import the entire MUI library and use the components from there.

import { TextField, Button, DatePicker } from '@mui/material';
import { AdapterDateFns } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFns';

By importing the entire MUI library, you’re ensuring that all components are using the same localization context.

Step 3: Use a Single Localization Context for Your Custom Library

When creating your custom library, make sure to use a single localization context throughout. You can achieve this by creating a wrapper component that provides the localization context to your custom components.

import { LocalizationProvider } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/LocalizationProvider';
import { AdapterDateFns } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDateFns';

const CustomLibraryWrapper = ({ children }) => {
  return (
    <LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDateFns}>

const CustomDatePicker = () => {
  return (
      <DatePicker />

By using a single localization context for your custom library, you’re ensuring that all components are using the same localization context, eliminating the error.

Step 4: Verify Your Custom Library’s Bundle

When bundling your custom library, make sure to include the MUI localization context. You can do this by adding the following configuration to your bundler:

module.exports = {
  // ... other configurations ...
  externals: {
    '@mui/x-date-pickers': '.commonjs @mui/x-date-pickers',

By including the MUI localization context in your custom library’s bundle, you’re ensuring that the localization context is preserved when consuming the library.


And there you have it! By following these steps, you should be able to solve the MUI X Localization Context Error when using the MUI Date Picker from a custom library. Remember to:

  • Wrap your application with LocalizationProvider
  • Use the correct import statement for MUI components
  • Use a single localization context for your custom library
  • Verify your custom library’s bundle

By applying these solutions, you’ll be able to use the MUI Date Picker from a custom library without encountering the MUI X Localization Context Error. Happy coding!

Bonus Tips

Here are some additional tips to help you avoid the MUI X Localization Context Error:

Tips Description
Avoid using multiple LocalizationProvider components Using multiple LocalizationProvider components can cause localization context conflicts. Instead, use a single LocalizationProvider component to provide the localization context to your entire application.
Use the same date adapter throughout your application Using different date adapters can cause localization context conflicts. Use the same date adapter throughout your application to ensure consistency.
Verify your dependency versions Make sure that your MUI and custom library dependencies are up-to-date and compatible. Incompatible versions can cause localization context conflicts.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to avoid the MUI X Localization Context Error and build robust, localization-aware applications.

Conclusion (Again!)

We’ve reached the end of our journey to solve the MUI X Localization Context Error. By following the steps and tips outlined in this article, you should be able to overcome this pesky error and build amazing applications with the MUI Date Picker from a custom library. Remember, debugging is a process, and with patience and persistence, you can conquer even the most complex errors. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re stuck with the MUI X Localization Context Error when using the MUI Date Picker from a custom library, you’re not alone! We’ve got the solutions to your problems right here.

What is the MUI X Localization Context Error?

The MUI X Localization Context Error occurs when the MUI Date Picker component cannot find the required localization context. This error usually happens when the Date Picker is used from a custom library, and the library doesn’t provide the necessary context.

Why does the error occur when using a custom library?

When you use a custom library, it might not have access to the same context as your main application. The MUI Date Picker relies on the localization context to function correctly, and if it’s not provided, the error occurs.

How can I fix the MUI X Localization Context Error?

To fix the error, you need to provide the localization context to the custom library. You can do this by wrapping the Date Picker component with the `LocalizationProvider` from `@mui/x-date-pickers` and passing the necessary locale and utils.

What is the correct way to wrap the Date Picker with LocalizationProvider?

You can wrap the Date Picker with the `LocalizationProvider` by importing it from `@mui/x-date-pickers` and providing the required props, such as the `locale` and `utils`. Here’s an example:
import { LocalizationProvider } from ‘@mui/x-date-pickers’;
import { AdapterDayjs } from ‘@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs’;
import dayjs from ‘dayjs’;

const MyDatePicker = () => {
return (


Will this solution work for all MUI components?

While the `LocalizationProvider` solution works for the MUI Date Picker, it might not be necessary for all MUI components. Make sure to check the specific component’s documentation to see if it requires a localization context.