I Want Conditional FROM Statement in Docker File: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Electa - hkhazo.biz.id

I Want Conditional FROM Statement in Docker File: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of using a single FROM statement in your Dockerfile, wishing you could use conditional statements to make your Docker image building process more efficient and flexible? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore how to use conditional FROM statements in Dockerfiles, and demonstrate how this feature can revolutionize your Docker image building process.

Why Do We Need Conditional FROM Statements?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand the problem. Imagine you’re building a Docker image that needs to support multiple architectures or environments. You might want to use a different base image for each architecture or environment. Without conditional FROM statements, you’d need to create separate Dockerfiles for each scenario, which can lead to duplication and maintenance headaches.

With conditional FROM statements, you can write a single Dockerfile that adapts to different build scenarios, making your life as a DevOps engineer or developer much easier.

Using ARG and ENV Variables

The first step in using conditional FROM statements is to understand how to use ARG and ENV variables in your Dockerfile. These variables allow you to pass values to your Dockerfile during the build process and use them to make decisions.


In the above example, we define an ARCH argument with a default value of x86, and an ENV variable named with a value of ubuntu.

Using Conditional Statements

Now that we have our variables set up, let’s use them to create a conditional FROM statement. We can use the IF instruction to achieve this.


IF ${ARCH} == "x86"
    FROM ${BASE_IMAGE}-x86
    FROM ${BASE_IMAGE}-arm

In the above example, we use the IF instruction to check the value of the ARCH variable. If it’s equal to x86, we use the ubuntu-x86 base image; otherwise, we use the ubuntu-arm base image.

Using Multi-Stage Builds

Another way to use conditional FROM statements is through multi-stage builds. This approach allows you to create multiple builds within a single Dockerfile, each with its own FROM statement.

FROM ubuntu-x86 as x86
# x86-specific build steps

FROM ubuntu-arm as arm
# arm-specific build steps

FROM python:3.9-slim as final
# final build steps

In the above example, we define three stages: x86, arm, and final. Each stage has its own FROM statement, and we can use the AS keyword to give each stage a name.

By using multi-stage builds, we can create a single Dockerfile that adapts to different architectures or environments, making it easier to manage and maintain our Docker images.

Using Buildkit

Buildkit is a new build system for Docker that allows you to create more efficient and flexible builds. One of its key features is support for conditional FROM statements using the syntax.

# syntax = docker/dockerfile:1
FROM ubuntu-* as base
# build steps

In the above example, we use the (* ,) syntax to specify a range of possible base images. During the build process, Buildkit will automatically detect the correct base image to use based on the build context.

Real-World Examples

Let’s look at some real-world examples of using conditional FROM statements in Dockerfiles.

Example 1: Multi-Architecture Support


IF ${ARCH} == "x86"
    FROM ${BASE_IMAGE}-x86
    FROM ${BASE_IMAGE}-arm

# build steps

In this example, we use a conditional FROM statement to support multiple architectures (x86 and arm) in a single Dockerfile.

Example 2: Environment-Specific Builds


IF ${ENV} == "dev"

# build steps

In this example, we use a conditional FROM statement to select a different base image based on the environment (dev or prod).


Conditional FROM statements in Dockerfiles are a powerful feature that allows you to create more efficient, flexible, and maintainable Docker images. By using ARG and ENV variables, conditional statements, multi-stage builds, and Buildkit, you can adapt your Dockerfile to different build scenarios, making your life as a DevOps engineer or developer easier.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about conditional FROM statements in Dockerfiles:

  • Q: What is the advantage of using conditional FROM statements?

    A: Conditional FROM statements allow you to create a single Dockerfile that adapts to different build scenarios, making it easier to manage and maintain your Docker images.

  • Q: Can I use conditional FROM statements with any Docker version?

    A: Conditional FROM statements are supported in Docker 18.09 and later versions.

  • Q: How do I pass variables to my Dockerfile during the build process?

    A: You can pass variables to your Dockerfile using the --build-arg flag or by defining them in a .env file.

Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about conditional FROM statements in Dockerfiles:

Docker Official Documentation Detailed documentation on the FROM instruction and conditional statements
Docker GitHub Issue Original proposal and discussion on conditional FROM statements
Buildkit Announcement Introduction to Buildkit and its features, including conditional FROM statements

Now that you know the power of conditional FROM statements, it’s time to take your Docker image building process to the next level! Start experimenting with these techniques today and see the difference it can make in your workflow.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of dealing with tedious Dockerfile instructions? Worry no more! Here are the answers to your burning questions about using conditional FROM statements in Dockerfiles.

Can I use conditional statements in my Dockerfile to determine which base image to use?

Yes, you can! As of Docker 17.05, you can use the ARG instruction to define variables and then use those variables in conditional statements to determine which base image to use. For example, you can define an ARG variable like `ARG TARGET_ARCH` and then use it in a conditional FROM statement like `FROM ${TARGET_ARCH:-amd64}/my-base-image`. This will set the base image to `amd64/my-base-image` if the `TARGET_ARCH` variable is not set.

How do I define multiple conditional FROM statements in my Dockerfile?

You can define multiple conditional FROM statements using the `ARG` instruction to define variables and then using those variables in conditional statements. For example, you can define multiple ARG variables like `ARG TARGET_ARCH` and `ARG TARGET_OS` and then use them in separate conditional FROM statements like `FROM ${TARGET_ARCH:-amd64}/${TARGET_OS:-linux}/my-base-image`. This will set the base image to `amd64/linux/my-base-image` if both `TARGET_ARCH` and `TARGET_OS` variables are not set.

Can I use environment variables in my conditional FROM statements?

Yes, you can! You can use environment variables in your conditional FROM statements by defining them using the `ENV` instruction and then referencing them in your conditional statements. For example, you can define an environment variable like `ENV TARGET_ARCH=amd64` and then use it in a conditional FROM statement like `FROM ${TARGET_ARCH}/my-base-image`. This will set the base image to `amd64/my-base-image`.

What are the limitations of using conditional FROM statements in my Dockerfile?

One limitation of using conditional FROM statements is that you can only reference variables defined before the FROM instruction. Additionally, you cannot use conditional statements to select between multiple FROM instructions based on runtime conditions. Also, be mindful of the complexity of your conditional statements, as they can make your Dockerfile harder to read and maintain.

Are there any best practices for using conditional FROM statements in my Dockerfile?

Yes, there are! One best practice is to keep your conditional statements simple and easy to read. Use meaningful variable names and avoid complex logic. Also, consider using a consistent naming convention for your variables and conditional statements. Additionally, make sure to test your Dockerfile thoroughly to ensure that your conditional statements work as expected.