Unlock the Power of Interactive Shell Experience: Live Preview as You Type with prompt_toolkit
Image by Electa - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Interactive Shell Experience: Live Preview as You Type with prompt_toolkit

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In the world of coding, one of the most significant breakthroughs in recent years is the ability to have a live preview as you type. This feature, made possible by the prompt_toolkit library, revolutionizes the way developers interact with their command-line interfaces. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of prompt_toolkit and explore how to harness its power to create an unforgettable interactive shell experience.

What is prompt_toolkit?

prompt_toolkit is a Python library that provides a set of tools to build interactive command-line applications. It allows developers to create powerful, flexible, and customizable shells that can be tailored to specific needs. With prompt_toolkit, you can create a live preview as you type, which enables you to see the output of your commands in real-time, making it an indispensable tool for any serious developer.

Key Features of prompt_toolkit

prompt_toolkit boasts an impressive range of features that make it an ideal choice for building interactive shells. Here are some of its most notable features:

  • Live preview as you type: See the output of your commands in real-time, eliminating the need to wait for execution.
  • Syntax highlighting: Get instant feedback on your code with syntax highlighting, making it easier to spot errors.
  • Code completion: Receive intelligent suggestions as you type, saving you time and effort.
  • Multi-line editing: Edit multiple lines of code simultaneously, making it easier to work with complex commands.
  • Customization: Tailor your shell experience to your specific needs with extensive customization options.

Getting Started with prompt_toolkit

To get started with prompt_toolkit, you’ll need to install it using pip:

pip install prompt_toolkit

Once installed, you can create a basic shell using the following code:

from prompt_toolkit import prompt

def main():
    while True:
        user_input = prompt('>>> ')
        print(f'You entered: {user_input}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

This code creates a basic shell that prompts the user to enter input and then prints it to the console. But we can do much more!

Live Preview as You Type with prompt_toolkit

To enable live preview as you type, we’ll need to use the `prompt` function with the `formatter` argument. Here’s an example:

from prompt_toolkit import prompt
from prompt_toolkit.formatters import PygmentsFormatter

def main():
    formatter = PygmentsFormatter(style='monokai')
    while True:
        user_input = prompt('>>> ', formatter=formatter)
        print(f'You entered: {user_input}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this example, we’re using the `PygmentsFormatter` to format the input with syntax highlighting. The `formatter` argument is set to the `formatter` object, which enables live preview as you type.

Advanced Features: Syntax Highlighting, Code Completion, and More

prompt_toolkit offers a range of advanced features that take your shell experience to the next level. Here are some examples:

Syntax Highlighting

Syntax highlighting is a crucial feature that makes it easier to spot errors and understand your code. prompt_toolkit provides several themes to choose from:

Theme Description
monokai A dark, high-contrast theme ideal for coding.
solarized A light, calming theme perfect for coding and writing.
native A theme that matches your terminal’s native colors.

To use a specific theme, simply pass the theme name as an argument to the `PygmentsFormatter` constructor:

formatter = PygmentsFormatter(style='monokai')

Code Completion

Code completion is another vital feature that saves you time and effort. prompt_toolkit provides several completion engines to choose from:

  • WordCompleter: Completes words based on the current input.
  • PathCompleter: Completes file paths and directories.
  • NamespaceCompleter: Completes Python objects and attributes.

To enable code completion, you’ll need to create a completion engine and pass it to the `prompt` function:

from prompt_toolkit.completion import WordCompleter

completer = WordCompleter(['hello', 'world'])
user_input = prompt('>>> ', completer=completer)

Multi-Line Editing

Multi-line editing is a powerful feature that allows you to edit multiple lines of code simultaneously. To enable multi-line editing, you’ll need to use the `prompt` function with the `multiline` argument:

user_input = prompt('>>> ', multiline=True)

This will allow you to edit multiple lines of code using the arrow keys and delete/backspace keys.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of prompt_toolkit and discovered how to create a live preview as you type with this powerful library. With its extensive range of features, including syntax highlighting, code completion, and multi-line editing, prompt_toolkit is an indispensable tool for any serious developer. Whether you’re building a complex shell application or simply want to improve your coding experience, prompt_toolkit has got you covered.

So why not give prompt_toolkit a try today and experience the power of interactive shell experience?

Additional Resources

Want to learn more about prompt_toolkit and its capabilities? Here are some additional resources to get you started:

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Live preview as you type with prompt_toolkit” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Get instant answers to your burning questions about live preview as you type with prompt_toolkit!

What is prompt_toolkit and how does it help with live preview?

Prompt_toolkit is a Python library that enables you to build interactive command-line applications. One of its powerful features is live preview, which allows users to see the output of their input as they type, making it easier to experiment and explore commands.

How do I install prompt_toolkit to get started with live preview?

You can install prompt_toolkit using pip, the Python package manager. Simply run `pip install prompt_toolkit` in your terminal or command prompt, and you’re ready to go!

Can I customize the live preview to fit my application’s needs?

Absolutely! Prompt_toolkit provides extensive customization options for live preview. You can change the layout, style, and behavior of the preview to match your application’s branding and functionality.

Does live preview with prompt_toolkit work on multiple platforms?

Yes, prompt_toolkit is cross-platform, which means you can use live preview on Windows, macOS, and Linux. This makes it an ideal choice for developing applications that need to run on multiple operating systems.

Are there any examples or tutorials available to help me get started with live preview?

Yes, prompt_toolkit has an extensive documentation with examples and tutorials to help you get started with live preview. You can also find many online resources, such as blog posts and GitHub repositories, that provide step-by-step guides and sample code.