How to Get Notified When a GitHub Organisation is Archived
Image by Electa -

How to Get Notified When a GitHub Organisation is Archived

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Have you ever wondered what happens when a GitHub organisation is archived? Well, you’re not alone! Many developers and collaborators have been left in the dark when an organisation they’re part of suddenly disappears without a trace. But fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll show you how to get notified when a GitHub organisation is archived, so you can stay on top of things and avoid any unexpected surprises.

Why Do Organisations Get Archived on GitHub?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of notifications, let’s take a step back and understand why organisations get archived on GitHub in the first place. According to GitHub’s documentation, an organisation can be archived for several reasons:

  • The organisation is no longer active or has been abandoned.
  • The organisation has merged with another organisation.
  • The organisation has violated GitHub’s terms of service.
  • The organisation has been deleted by the owner.

Regardless of the reason, getting notified when an organisation is archived is crucial for collaborators, contributors, and stakeholders. After all, you don’t want to be left in the dark, wondering what happened to the projects and repositories you’ve invested time and effort into.

Method 1: Using GitHub Webhooks

One of the most reliable ways to get notified when a GitHub organisation is archived is by using GitHub webhooks. Webhooks are essentially callback functions that notify your application or server when a specific event occurs on GitHub. In this case, we’ll be using the organisation.archive event to trigger our notification.

Here’s an example of how to set up a GitHub webhook to notify you when an organisation is archived:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"name": "organisation.archive", "events": ["organisation.archive"], "config": {"url": ""}}'

In the above example, replace :org with the actual name of the organisation you want to monitor, and YOUR_GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN with a valid GitHub personal access token. You’ll also need to set up a webhook server to receive the notification, which can be done using a server-side programming language like Node.js or Python.

Method 2: Using GitHub Actions

An alternative to using GitHub webhooks is to leverage GitHub Actions, a powerful tool for automating tasks and workflows on GitHub. With GitHub Actions, you can create a custom action that triggers when an organisation is archived, sending a notification to your desired channel.

Here’s an example of how to create a GitHub Action to notify you when an organisation is archived:

name: Organisation Archive Notification

    types: [archived]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Send notification
        uses: actions/send-email@v1
          from: '[email protected]'
          to: '[email protected]'
          subject: 'Organisation archived: {{ github.event }}'
          body: 'The organisation {{ github.event }} has been archived.'

In the above example, we’re creating a GitHub Action that triggers when the organisation.archive event occurs. The action then sends an email notification to the specified recipient with the details of the archived organisation.

Method 3: Using Third-Party Services

If you’re not comfortable with setting up GitHub webhooks or Actions, you can use third-party services that offer GitHub organisation monitoring and notification features. Some popular options include:

Service Features Pricing
GitHub Monitor Real-time monitoring of GitHub organisations, repositories, and users Free, with premium features starting at $9.99/month
Octopus Scanner Multi-repository monitoring, including organisation archival status Free, with premium features starting at $19.99/month
RepoZ GitHub repository and organisation monitoring, including archival status and security alerts Free, with premium features starting at $29.99/month

These services often provide a user-friendly interface for setting up notifications and monitoring GitHub organisations. However, be sure to review their pricing and features carefully to ensure they meet your needs.


Getting notified when a GitHub organisation is archived is crucial for collaborators, contributors, and stakeholders. By using GitHub webhooks, GitHub Actions, or third-party services, you can stay on top of organisation archival events and avoid unexpected surprises. Remember to choose the method that best suits your needs and technical expertise, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.

So, what are you waiting for? Set up your organisation archival notification system today and sleep better tonight, knowing you’ll be informed when something changes in the GitHub universe!

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t let archived GitHub organisations catch you off guard! Here are the answers to your most pressing questions about getting notified when a GitHub organisation is archived.

Q: What happens when a GitHub organisation is archived?

When a GitHub organisation is archived, all of its repositories are marked as read-only, and no new issues, pull requests, or code changes can be made. Archiving an organisation is usually a sign that it’s no longer actively maintained, so it’s essential to stay informed about this change!

Q: How can I get notified when a GitHub organisation is archived?

You can get notified when a GitHub organisation is archived by watching the organisation on GitHub. To do this, go to the organisation’s page, click the “Watch” button, and select “Watching” or “Custom” and toggle on “Repository archiving” notifications. This way, you’ll receive an email notification whenever the organisation is archived.

Q: Can I automate the process of getting notified when a GitHub organisation is archived?

Yes, you can automate the process by using GitHub Webhooks or third-party services like Zapier or GitHub Notify. These tools allow you to set up custom notifications and workflows, so you can receive instant updates when a GitHub organisation is archived.

Q: Why is it important to get notified when a GitHub organisation is archived?

Getting notified when a GitHub organisation is archived is crucial because it helps you stay informed about important changes to the projects you care about. This way, you can plan ahead, find alternative solutions, or even take over maintenance of the project if needed.

Q: Can I get notified about other changes to a GitHub organisation?

Yes, you can get notified about other changes to a GitHub organisation, such as new repository creations, updates to existing repositories, or changes to organisation members. Simply adjust your notification settings on GitHub or use third-party services to customise your notification workflow.

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