Unlock the Power of App Promotion: Get All Standard Events with Maximum App Events Goal
Image by Electa - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of App Promotion: Get All Standard Events with Maximum App Events Goal

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Are you struggling to promote your app and boost engagement? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of getting all standard events for a particular app in the app promotion objective when the performance goal is set to “Maximise number of app events”. Buckle up, and let’s dive into the world of app promotion!

What are Standard Events in App Promotion?

In the world of app promotion, standard events refer to pre-defined actions that users take within your app. These events are crucial for tracking user behavior, optimizing ad campaigns, and ultimately driving conversions. Facebook provides a range of standard events that cater to various app promotion objectives, including:

  • Purchase
  • Initiated Checkout
  • Add Payment Info
  • Complete Registration
  • Add to Cart
  • Start Trial
  • Submit Application
  • Make a Reservation

By tracking these standard events, you can gain valuable insights into your users’ behavior and optimize your ad campaigns for better performance.

Maximise Number of App Events Goal: What Does it Mean?

When you set the performance goal to “Maximise number of app events” in your app promotion objective, you’re telling Facebook to optimize your ad campaigns for the maximum number of app events. This means that Facebook will automatically optimize your ads to drive as many conversions as possible, based on the standard events you’ve defined.

This goal is perfect for apps that want to drive engagement, increase user retention, and boost overall app activity. By maximizing the number of app events, you can increase the chances of users completing desired actions, such as making a purchase or completing a registration.

Step-by-Step Guide to Get All Standard Events for a Particular App

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of getting all standard events for a particular app in the app promotion objective when the performance goal is set to “Maximise number of app events”.

Step 1: Create a New App Promotion Campaign

Log in to your Facebook Ads Manager account and create a new campaign with the app promotion objective. Select the “App Promotion” objective and choose “Maximise number of app events” as your performance goal.

  // Create a new campaign
  $campaign = new AdCampaign();

  // Set the budget and targeting
    'countries' => ['US'],
    'age' => ['18-65']

  // Create the campaign

Step 2: Define Your Standard Events

In this step, you’ll define the standard events that you want to track for your app. You can do this by creating a new app event set and adding the desired standard events.

  // Create a new app event set
  $appEventSet = new AppEventSet();

  // Create the app event set

Step 3: Configure Your App Events for Tracking

In this step, you’ll configure your app events for tracking by adding the Facebook SDK to your app and implementing the necessary code snippets.

  // Import the Facebook SDK
  import com.facebook.FacebookSdk;

  // Initialize the Facebook SDK

  // Log a purchase event
  FacebookSdk.logEvent('PURCHASE', new Bundle());

  // Log an initiated checkout event
  FacebookSdk.logEvent('INITIATED_CHECKOUT', new Bundle());

  // Log an add payment info event
  FacebookSdk.logEvent('ADD_PAYMENT_INFO', new Bundle());

  // Log a complete registration event
  FacebookSdk.logEvent('COMPLETE_REGISTRATION', new Bundle());

Step 4: Set Up Your App Promotion Ad Creative

In this step, you’ll create your app promotion ad creative, including the ad image, headline, text, and call-to-action.

Ad Creative Element Example
Ad Image <img src=”https://example.com/ad-image.png”>
Headline Get Ready for an Epic Adventure!
Text Explore new worlds, battle fierce monsters, and collect legendary treasures in our latest mobile game!
Call-to-Action <a href=”https://example.com/download”>Install Now</a>

Step 5: Launch and Optimize Your App Promotion Campaign

In this final step, you’ll launch your app promotion campaign and optimize it for better performance.

  // Launch the campaign

  // Monitor and optimize the campaign
    'countries' => ['US', 'CA']


And that’s it! By following these steps, you can get all standard events for a particular app in the app promotion objective when the performance goal is set to “Maximise number of app events”. Remember to track your app events, optimize your ad campaigns, and drive engagement to boost your app’s success.

By maximizing the number of app events, you can increase conversions, drive revenue, and ultimately grow your app’s user base. So, what are you waiting for? Get started with your app promotion campaign today!

Happy promoting!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on getting all the standard events for a particular app in app promotion objective when the performance goal is to maximise the number of app events!

What is the App Promotion Objective, and how does it relate to app events?

The App Promotion Objective is a Facebook Ads objective that allows advertisers to drive installs, engagement, or other desired actions within their mobile app. When the performance goal is set to maximise the number of app events, Facebook Ads will optimize for the highest volume of specified app events, such as purchases, logins, or level completions.

What are standard events in Facebook Ads, and how do they relate to the App Promotion Objective?

Standard events are pre-defined events in Facebook Ads that track specific actions taken within an app, such as “Purchase,” “Complete Registration,” or “Achieve Level.” These events are integrated with the Facebook SDK and can be used to optimize ad campaigns. In the App Promotion Objective, advertisers can select the standard events that are most relevant to their app and goals.

How do I get all the standard events for a particular app in the App Promotion Objective?

To get all the standard events for a particular app, ensure you have the Facebook SDK integrated into your app and have enabled the desired standard events. Then, in the Facebook Ads Manager, create a new campaign with the App Promotion Objective and select the “Optimize for App Events” option. Next, choose the desired app and events you want to track. Facebook Ads will then optimize your campaign to drive the highest volume of those selected events.

What are the benefits of optimizing for app events in the App Promotion Objective?

Optimizing for app events in the App Promotion Objective allows you to drive more meaningful actions within your app, increasing engagement and revenue. By tracking and optimizing for specific events, you can better understand user behavior, identify areas for improvement, and allocate your ad budget more efficiently.

How do I track the performance of my app events in Facebook Ads?

To track the performance of your app events, navigate to the Facebook Ads Manager and view the campaign’s “Performance” tab. Here, you can see the number of app events, cost per event, and other relevant metrics. You can also use Facebook’s Analytics tool to gain a deeper understanding of your app’s performance and user behavior.