Auth::check() Return False When Redirecting – Laravel: The Ultimate Guide to Fixing the Issue
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Auth::check() Return False When Redirecting – Laravel: The Ultimate Guide to Fixing the Issue

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustrating issue of Auth::check() returning false when redirecting in your Laravel application? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this problem, but fear not, dear reader, for we have the solution you’ve been searching for.

What is Auth::check()?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what Auth::check() does in Laravel. Auth::check() is a built-in Laravel function that checks if the user is authenticated. It returns true if the user is logged in and false if they’re not. Simple, right? Well, not quite.

The Issue: Auth::check() Returns False When Redirecting

The problem arises when you’re redirecting a user to a new page after they’ve logged in. For some reason, Auth::check() returns false, even though the user has been successfully authenticated. This can cause all sorts of issues, from users being unable to access protected routes to being shown the wrong content.

So, why does this happen? It’s because of the way Laravel handles sessions and redirects. When you redirect a user, Laravel creates a new session, which means the authentication data is lost. As a result, Auth::check() returns false, thinking the user isn’t authenticated.

Solution 1: Use Redirect::intended() with Auth::check()

One way to fix this issue is to use Redirect::intended() with Auth::check(). Here’s an example:

// Login controller
public function login(Request $request)
    // Authenticate the user
    if (Auth::attempt($request->only('email', 'password'))) {
        // Redirect the user to the intended page
        return Redirect::intended(route('dashboard'));
    // If authentication fails, redirect back to the login page
    return back()->withErrors(['email' => 'Invalid credentials']);

By using Redirect::intended(), Laravel will redirect the user to the intended page with the authentication data intact. This ensures that Auth::check() returns true, and the user is able to access protected routes.

How Redirect::intended() Works

Redirect::intended() is a clever function that redirects the user to the original page they requested before they were redirected to the login page. This is achieved by storing the original URL in the session using the URL::previous() function.

Here’s an example of how it works:

// Store the original URL in the session
-session()->put('url.intended', URL::previous());

// Redirect the user to the login page
return Redirect::route('login');

// After logging in, redirect the user to the intended page
return Redirect::intended(route('dashboard'));

Solution 2: Use Middleware to Authenticate the User

Another way to fix this issue is to use middleware to authenticate the user. Middleware is a powerful tool in Laravel that allows you to perform actions before or after a request is processed.

In this case, we can create a middleware that checks if the user is authenticated before redirecting them to a new page. Here’s an example:

// Create a new middleware
php artisan make:middleware CheckAuth

// In the handle method, check if the user is authenticated
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
    if (!Auth::check()) {
        return redirect()->route('login');
    return $next($request);

Next, we need to add the middleware to the kernel:

// In the kernel.php file, add the middleware to the route Middleware group
protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // ...
    'auth' => \App\Http\Middleware\CheckAuth::class,

Finally, we need to apply the middleware to the route:

// In the routes file, apply the middleware to the route
Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index')->middleware('auth');

By using middleware, we can ensure that the user is authenticated before redirecting them to a new page.

Solution 3: Use Session::reflash() to Keep the Authentication Data

Another solution is to use Session::reflash() to keep the authentication data intact when redirecting the user. Here’s an example:

// In the login controller
public function login(Request $request)
    // Authenticate the user
    if (Auth::attempt($request->only('email', 'password'))) {
        // Reflash the session to keep the authentication data
        // Redirect the user to the intended page
        return Redirect::route('dashboard');
    // If authentication fails, redirect back to the login page
    return back()->withErrors(['email' => 'Invalid credentials']);

By using Session::reflash(), we can keep the authentication data in the session, ensuring that Auth::check() returns true when redirecting the user.


There you have it, folks! Three solutions to fix the issue of Auth::check() returning false when redirecting in Laravel. Whether you choose to use Redirect::intended(), middleware, or Session::reflash(), you can rest assured that your users will be able to access protected routes without any issues.

Remember, Laravel is a powerful framework that provides many tools to help you build robust and secure applications. By understanding how to use these tools effectively, you can create amazing experiences for your users.


  1. Q: Why does Auth::check() return false when redirecting?

    A: Auth::check() returns false when redirecting because the authentication data is lost when a new session is created.

  2. Q: How do I fix the issue of Auth::check() returning false when redirecting?

    A: You can fix the issue by using Redirect::intended(), middleware, or Session::reflash() to keep the authentication data intact.

  3. Q: What is Redirect::intended()?

    A: Redirect::intended() is a Laravel function that redirects the user to the original page they requested before they were redirected to the login page.

  4. Q: What is middleware?

    A: Middleware is a powerful tool in Laravel that allows you to perform actions before or after a request is processed.

Solution Description
Redirect::intended() Redirects the user to the original page they requested before they were redirected to the login page
MiddleWare Checks if the user is authenticated before redirecting them to a new page
Session::reflash() Keeps the authentication data intact when redirecting the user

By following these solutions and understanding the concepts behind them, you’ll be well on your way to creating robust and secure applications with Laravel. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with Laravel’s Auth::check() returning false when redirecting? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some common questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why does Auth::check() return false when redirecting to a new page?

Auth::check() returns false when redirecting because the authentication session is not persisted across requests. When you redirect, a new request is made, and the authentication session is lost. To fix this, use the `redirect()->intended()` method, which preserves the authentication session.

Do I need to use middleware to persist the authentication session?

Yes, you can use middleware to persist the authentication session. Laravel provides the `StartSession` and `Authenticate` middleware, which can be used to persist the authentication session across requests. You can also create your own custom middleware to handle this.

Does the `auth:check` middleware affect the authentication session?

Yes, the `auth:check` middleware can affect the authentication session. This middleware checks if the user is authenticated and redirects them to the login page if they’re not. If you’re experiencing issues with Auth::check() returning false, try removing or modifying this middleware to see if it resolves the issue.

Can I use the `Auth::viaRequest` method to persist the authentication session?

Yes, you can use the `Auth::viaRequest` method to persist the authentication session. This method allows you to authenticate a user via a request instance, which can be useful when redirecting. However, make sure to use it correctly, as it can lead to security issues if not implemented properly.

What if I’m using Laravel’s built-in authentication and still experiencing issues with Auth::check() returning false?

If you’re using Laravel’s built-in authentication and still experiencing issues, try checking your session configuration and middlewares. Make sure the `StartSession` middleware is enabled, and the session driver is correctly configured. You can also try clearing your session data and re-authenticating the user.

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